Pre-eclampsia: More than just 'high blood pressure'
Posted on 20th February 2019 at 20:52
In days gone by, having a complication during pregnancy could trigger a train of thoughts about a difficult outcome…..but thankfully, times have changed.
We know a lot more about pregnancy, birth, the common risks, preceding 'warning signs' and, ultimately, what to do to treat the potentially serious conditions mothers might face during childbirth today ...and that's wonderful.
But it absolutely doesn't mean we should become complacent when it comes to watching out for anything 'abnormal' during childbirth.
The conditions and risk factors that made childbirth so perilous for our predecessors haven't disappeared - we just know more about them now; how to treat them.....what to look out for..... This is why your midwife, GP and Obstetrician are all vital to ensuring you and your baby stay safe throughout your pregnancy and birth.
They are the experts in checking everything is 'OK' - but they are also the people you REALLY want around when something is NOT 'OK'.