Panorama NIPT Test ®   

Panorama NIPT Test ® from 9 weeks gestation 
9-14 weeks £550 
14 + weeks £650 
Choose the most reliable NIPT, with the highest accuracy 
■ Panorama is the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) chosen by over 2 million women 
■ Unique features and reliable results make Panorama the best NIPT option for you 
■ Safe, reliable and highly accurate – Panorama is the right NIPT for you! 
■ An NIPT you can trust – Panorama has been used in over 2 million pregnancies 
■ Panorama is the only NIPT that differentiates between mom and baby’s DNA for the 
conditions screened. 
We offer three types of Panorama Test  
1. Base panel of the 3 trisomies T21, T18, T13 plus SCAs 
2. Base panel - as above plus 22q11.2 deletion 
3. Extended panel - as base panel plus 22q plus 4 additional microdeletions Cri-du-Chat, Angelman, 1p36, Prader-willi 
This is performed from 9 weeks pregnancy - It is possible to perform Panorama but we recommend from 10 weeks. 
Panorama is analysed in CA, USA. Sent to USA to process. 
The appointment icludes a scan + Blood Test 
and counselling and is around 40 minutes. You will get a full report and a photo.  
Results within 2 business weeks 

What is Panorama? 

Panorama is a DNA screening test, a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), that can give you important information about your pregnancy, as early as nine weeks into pregnancy. With Panorama, you can find out about the likelihood of your baby having a chromosomal condition, such as Down syndrome, with a simple blood test. If you so choose, you may also find out the gender of your baby. 
Panorama is a DNA screening test, a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), that can give you important information about your pregnancy, as early as nine weeks into pregnancy. With Panorama, you can find out about the likelihood of your baby having a chromosomal condition, such as Down syndrome, with a simple blood test. If you so choose, you may also find out the gender of your baby.  
It is available and validated for singleton, twin, egg donor and surrogate pregnancies. 
Panorama has been the choice of more than 2 million women, from over 80 countries. Added to this, it has some exclusive features: 
● Only NIPT to differentiate between mother and babies’ DNA for the conditions screened 
● Detection of Triploidy and vanishing twin 
● Zygosity 
● Fetal fraction and sex for each twin 
● Detection of Maternal X mosaicism 
● Targets over 13,000 SNPs to evaluate the 1% of the DNA that makes us different from each other 
● Has had zero errors in zygosity detection and sex calls up to date 
Singleton pregnancy 
● Whole Chromosome conditions 
○ Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) 
○ Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) 
○ Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) 
● Triploidy 
● Gender of the Baby (optional) 
● Sex Chromosome conditions 
○ Monosomy X (Turner syndrome) 
○ Other sex chromosome conditions (reported if suspected) 
○ Klinefelter syndrome 
○ Triple X syndrome 
● Microdeletions 
○ 22q11.2 deletion syndrome 
○ 1p36 deletion syndrome 
○ Prader Willi syndrome 
○ Angelman syndrome 
○ Cri-du-chat syndrome 

Twin Pregnancies 

Identical and fraternal twins 
○ Zygosity (shows whether twins are identical or fraternal) ○ Individual fetal fraction for dizygotic (non-identical) twins ○ Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13 
○ Gender of each twin (optional) 
If our screening finds that your twins are identical, Panorama can additionally screen for: 
○ Monosomy X (Turner syndrome) 
○ Other sex chromosome conditions will be reported if suspected. 
○ 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (optional) 
Egg Donor or Surrogate Pregnancies 
● Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) 
● Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) 
● Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) 
● Gender (optional) 
Panorama offers patients a personalized risk score, which indicates whether your baby is at high or low probability for genetic condition. Your report could state the following: 

Low Probability 

A low probability result indicates that it is very unlikely that your baby is affected by one of the conditions on the Panorama panel. 

High Probability 

A high probability result does not mean the baby has a chromosomal condition; rather, it indicates a very high probability that your baby may have that condition. Your healthcare provider may recommend that you speak with a genetic counselor and/ or maternal fetal medicine specialist. You may be offered invasive diagnostic testing such as amniocentesis or CVS. No irreversible pregnancy decisions should ever be made based on a Panorama result alone. 

No result 

In a small percentage of cases, Panorama may not be able to obtain sufficient information from your blood sample to determine an accurate result. If this occurs, a second blood sample may be requested. 
According to the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (ISPD) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), non-invasive prenatal testing, including Panorama, is appropriate as a primary screening test for pregnant women of all ages. Down syndrome and certain other chromosomal conditions occur more frequently in babies born to mothers over 35 years old. Other conditions for which Panorama screens – such as microdeletion syndromes – occur with the same frequency in babies, regardless of the mother’s age. 
Aster Health & Baby Scan Clinic (aster Baby Scan Clinic LTD) is an authorized distributor of Natera’s Panorama test in United Kingdom. The content has not been reviewed by nor endorsed by Natera, Inc. Aster Health & Baby Scan Clinic (aster Baby Scan Clinic LTD) is solely responsible for maintaining the content according to Natera partnership guidelines as well as all legal and regulatory requirements in United Kingdom. CAP accredited, ISO 13485 and CLIA certified. © 2021 Natera, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
Results usually within 8-10 working days - rarely up to 2 weeks.  
We recommend discussing the Panorama Test with your doctor/obstetrician/midwife who is looking after you in the pregnancy before the test and once you have the result for the test. They will be in a position to advise you as they will have your full medical history. 
Some of these tests are not done in the NHS (sex chromosomes, triploidy, 22q del, microdeletions). Rarely, there are false positives or inconclusive results. The positive or inconclusive results of the test may not be covered or managed in the NHS and you may need to arrange management private management such as counselling or private amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.  
Yes - it is a screening test and not a diagnostic test. It cannot detect structural abnormalites such as spina bifida or heart defects.  
It cannot also assess fetal growth and development problems. You are advised to have all NHS screening tests. 
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Dunstable Luton - Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Buckinghamshire 

More information on Screening test and different abnormalities in pregnancy are available via the links below: