Wellbeing Scan - Growth and Doppler   

24 to 32 weeks 
Personally performed by Dr. Bamfo 
Scan only £200 
For scan and consultation, see consultation fee 
The fetal wellbeing scan will check the wellbeing of your baby. 
This is done by assessing the size of the baby and the amniotic fluid volume around the baby. The scan will give you an estimated weight for your baby. In addition, the blood flow in the umbilical artery can be assessed to give an indication of how well the placenta is working by Doppler Ultrasound. The scan will also assess the position of the baby. The scan lasts 30 minutes and you will get 1 glossy photos and a printed report 
The fetal wellbeing scan is done between 24 and 32 weeks. 
You may wish to have this scan to check the general wellbeing of the baby 
You may also wish to have these scans if you have had pregnancy complications in your previous pregnancies. If you have had a previous pregnancy complicated by a pregnancy loss, high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia, a small baby or growth restriction, diabetes. You may also wish for a second opinion of a wellbeing scan.  
30 minute appointment 
Printed report 
Assess size of baby, amniotic fluid volume and placenta 
2 glossy scan photos 
GP referral not required 
Optional 4D free 
This scan is not long enough for assessment of anatomy. Anatomy check is not the main purpose of the scan due to the late gestation. You must have your NHS anomaly scan to check the fetal anatomy. 
Baby Scan Baby Scan

Wellbeing Scan-Fetal Growth- Dunstable Luton-Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Buckinghamshire