Pregnancy Symptoms  

Expectant Parents

The First Trimester   

0 to 13 weeks  During this time pregnancy symptoms also start. Nausea or vomiting Heartburn Unusual sense of smell of taste Cravings for certain foods Changes in mood Needing to pass urine more frequently Change of weight     

Women should always inform their healthcare professionals - obstetricians - midwives - GP's if they notice any concerns during pregnancy.  
Some conditions that may occur in early pregnancy are listed below with a link to useful information leaflets 
Baby Bumps

The Second Trimester  

14 to 28 weeks 
There is a lot of growth of the bump over the next few months.  
Women may continue to gain some weight now as the baby bump emerges. By 20 weeks it is usually at the level of the belly button. 
By 27 weeks there may be some stretch marks on the bump and some other changes in the skin. 
Antenatal classes at this time are really useful for mums to be to prepare for birth and general information about antenatal care is freely available. 
Pregnancy may be slightly different if mums have multiple pregnancies- see link 
See the links for useful information about this. 
Baby Scan

The Third Trimester   

29 to 40 weeks 
Women may start to feel pressure symptoms as the fetus starts to move down and becomes engaged. 
Women may also start to experience Brackston Hicks tightening as the womb prepares for birth. 
This is for information only and does not constitute medical advice 
For more information or to book a session, please call our clinic or email us.